Mit SecIdent® bietet BRAINORITY eine umfassende Serialisierungslösung zur Nachverfolgung sowie Schutz vor Produktpiraterie. Diese ist Herausforderungen heterogener IT- und Supply-Chain-Landschaften gewachsen und kann so die Komplexität betroffener Prozesse und involvierter Partner vollumfänglich abbilden.
With SecIdent®, BRAINORITY offers a comprehensive serialization solution for tracking and protection against product piracy. This solution meets the challenges of heterogeneous IT and supply chain landscapes and can thus fully map the complexity of the processes and partners involved.
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Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWillkommen auf dem Profil der BRAINORITY Software GmbH! Bei Fragen zu unseren Leistungen und Angeboten stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Welcome to the profile of BRAINORITY Software GmbH! If you have any questions about our services and offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.