Von Deutschland aus, an der Schnittstelle der Verkehrsachsen Ost-West und Nord-Süd, steuert die DB Cargo AG die europaweiten Warenströme und sorgt als strategischer Partner für logistische Höchstleistungen über alle Grenzen hinweg. Der Schienenverkehr ist nicht nur das sicherste, sondern auch das umweltfreundlichste Gütertransportmittel. Ein Güterzug benötigt vier Fünftel weniger Energie und verursacht rund 80% weniger Treibhausgas-Emissionen als ein LKW.
From Germany, at the intersection of the East-West and North-South transport axes, DB Cargo AG manages the Europe-wide flow of goods and, as a strategic partner, ensures top logistical performance across all borders. Rail transport is not only the safest, but also the most environmentally friendly means of freight transportation. A freight train requires four-fifths less energy and produces around 80% less greenhouse gas emissions than a truck.
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Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
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Welcome to the profile of DB Cargo AG! If you have any questions about our services and offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.