Scanbot SDK bietet schnelle und präzise Lösungen für die mobile Datenerfassung mit iOS, Android, Web, Windows und Linux.
Unser Barcode Scanner SDK verwandelt mobile Geräte in schnelle, zuverlässige und benutzerfreundliche Barcode-Scanner.
Mithilfe des Document Scanner SDK können Unternehmen und Nutzer:innen hochwertige Scans von Papierdokumenten anfertigen und direkt in Input für ihre Backend-Systeme verwandeln.
Das Scanbot Data Capture SDK schließlich bietet die Möglichkeit, Daten als Schlüssel-Wert-Paare aus verschiedenen Dokumententypen zu extrahieren - darunter Personalausweise, Reisepässe, Schecks und Führerscheine.
Die SDKs sind für alle gängigen nativen und plattformübergreifenden Frameworks verfügbar, unter anderem Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, MAUI und Capacitor.
Scanbot SDK offers fast and accurate solutions for mobile data capture with iOS, Android, Web, Windows and Linux.
Our Barcode Scanner SDK transforms mobile devices into fast, reliable and user-friendly barcode scanners.
With the help of the Document Scanner SDK enables companies and users to create high-quality scans of paper documents and convert them directly into input for their backend systems.
The Scanbot Data Capture SDK provides the ability to extract data as key-value pairs from various types of documents, including ID cards, passports, checks and driver's licenses.
The SDKs are available for all common native and cross-platform frameworks, including Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, MAUI and Capacitor.
With a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWillkommen auf dem Profil von Scanbot SDK GmbH! Bei Fragen zu unseren Leistungen und Angeboten stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Welcome to the profile of Scanbot SDK GmbH! If you have any questions about our services and offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.