Die Falkenhahn AG, einer der leistungsfähigsten und innovativsten Hersteller von Europaletten, ist in der Lage, kombinierte Überwachungs-Lösungen unsichtbar in einer Standard Europalette zu integrieren. Damit wird für den Bereich der anspruchsvollen Qualitätslogistik eine wirtschaftliche Kombinationslösung bestehend aus Temperaturlogger, Shocklogger und RFID-Transponder angeboten.
Falkenhahn AG, one of the most efficient and innovative manufacturers of Euro pallets, is able to integrate combined monitoring solutions invisibly in a standard Euro pallet. Thus, an economical combination solution consisting of temperature logger, shock logger and RFID transponder is offered for the area of demanding quality logistics.
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Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
Upgrade nowWith a PLUS or PREMIUM membership you can upload files, videos, events and news, among other things, to be found even better.
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Welcome to the profile of Falkenhahn AG! If you have any questions about our services and offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.