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Planung, Aufbau und Optimierung von Bezahlsystemen (cash und cashless), sowie die dazu notwendige Infrastruktur, Bargeldlogistik, Technologie-Beschaffung und das Projektmanagement

Planning, development and optimization of payment systems (cash and cashless), as well as the necessary infrastructure, cash logistics, technology procurement and project management

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Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH


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Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH


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Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH


Optimierung des Bargeldkreislaufes

Optimization of the cash cycle

Planung, Aufbau und Optimierung der Cash Infrastruktur von Banken, Handel und WertdienstleisternPlanung und Realisierung von Cash Center

Planning, development and optimization of the cash infrastructure of banks, retailers and value service providersPlanning and realization of cash centersIntroduction of technologies and GS1 standards for B

Cash Logistics
Cash center planning
Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH


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Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH


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Cash Infrastructure Project and Services GmbH

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We can help you with the following GS1 solutions:
Oberer Steinberg 35, 63225 Langen

Bei Fragen zu unseren Leistungen und Angeboten stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

If you have any questions about our services and offers, please do not hesitate to contact me.