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Web-Shop Optimierung​

Web store optimization

Wir bieten Ihnen umfangreiche Möglichkeiten, Ihren Web-Shop auf allen Ebenen der Shopper-Freundlichkeit zu optimieren. Unsere Online Shopper-Research Methoden bieten detaillierte Analysen und umsetzbare Empfehlungen, um den Shopper im kompetitiven E-Commerce Umfeld entlang der gesamten Online-Journey bis zum Kauf zu halten.

Hierfür kommen regelmäßig die folgenden Tools zum Einsatz:

  • mindline E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation
  • Eye-Tracking über Webcam
  • Usability Testing 
  • Optimierung der Informationsarchitektur
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • KPI-Analysen (Bounce Rate, Click-trough Rate, Exit Rate, Conversion Rate, etc.)

We offer you extensive opportunities to optimize your web store at all levels of shopper friendliness. Our online shopper research methods provide detailed analysis and actionable recommendations to keep shoppers engaged in the competitive e-commerce environment along the entire online journey to purchase.

The following tools are regularly used for this purpose.

  • mindline E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation
  • Eye-tracking via webcam
  • Usability testing
  • Optimization of the information architecture
  • Rapid prototyping
  • KPI analyses (bounce rate, click-through rate, exit rate, conversion rate, etc.)

1. Basic Information

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Wir bieten Ihnen umfangreiche Möglichkeiten, Ihren Web-Shop auf allen Ebenen der Shopper-Freundlichkeit zu optimieren. Unsere Online Shopper-Research Methoden bieten detaillierte Analysen und umsetzbare Empfehlungen, um den Shopper im kompetitiven E-Commerce Umfeld entlang der gesamten Online-Journey bis zum Kauf zu halten.

Hierfür kommen regelmäßig die folgenden Tools zum Einsatz:

  • mindline E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation
  • Eye-Tracking über Webcam
  • Usability Testing 
  • Optimierung der Informationsarchitektur
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • KPI-Analysen (Bounce Rate, Click-trough Rate, Exit Rate, Conversion Rate, etc.)
Translate manually?

We offer you extensive opportunities to optimize your web store at all levels of shopper friendliness. Our online shopper research methods provide detailed analysis and actionable recommendations to keep shoppers engaged in the competitive e-commerce environment along the entire online journey to purchase.

The following tools are regularly used for this purpose.

  • mindline E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation
  • Eye-tracking via webcam
  • Usability testing
  • Optimization of the information architecture
  • Rapid prototyping
  • KPI analyses (bounce rate, click-through rate, exit rate, conversion rate, etc.)
Generate automatic translation?

2. Quick Facts

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Select language(s)

3. Media

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The image is too large. Please upload an image with maximum 2400 x 2400 pixels and 3 MB. You can find the recommended dimensions on the ? symbol.
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The image is too large. Please upload an image with maximum 2400 x 2400 pixels and 3 MB. You can find the recommended dimensions on the ? symbol.
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4. External Link

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