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mindline GmbH

Produktentwicklung & Konzepttest​

Product development & concept testing

Sie möchten ein neues Produkt entwickeln, ein Design-Relaunch testen oder eine Line-Extension in Ihr Produktportfolio aufnehmen, um alle Bedürfnisse des Shopper zu adressieren? Hierbei unterstützen wir Sie mit unseren hochentwickelten Methoden, die immer auf dem neusten Stand der Forschung sind:

  • Idea Screening
  • Claim Test
  • iHut​ (in-Home use-test)
  • CLT & CLT Wallpaper Test 
  • Virtual Shelf Test mit Eye-Tracking 
  • E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation zur Neuprodukttestung
  • Product & Price Optimization (Conjoint) 
  • KI-automatisierte Textanalyse mit Association Clustering

Would you like to develop a new product, test a design relaunch or add a line extension to your product portfolio to address all shopper needs? We support you with our highly developed methods, which are always at the cutting edge of research.

  • Idea Screening
  • Claim Test
  • iHut(in-home use-test)
  • CLT & CLT Wallpaper Test
  • Virtual shelf test with eye-tracking
  • E-store / e-commerce simulation for new product testing
  • Product & Price Optimization (Conjoint)
  • AI-automated text analysis with association clustering

1. Basic Information

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Sie möchten ein neues Produkt entwickeln, ein Design-Relaunch testen oder eine Line-Extension in Ihr Produktportfolio aufnehmen, um alle Bedürfnisse des Shopper zu adressieren? Hierbei unterstützen wir Sie mit unseren hochentwickelten Methoden, die immer auf dem neusten Stand der Forschung sind:

  • Idea Screening
  • Claim Test
  • iHut​ (in-Home use-test)
  • CLT & CLT Wallpaper Test 
  • Virtual Shelf Test mit Eye-Tracking 
  • E-Store / E-Commerce Simulation zur Neuprodukttestung
  • Product & Price Optimization (Conjoint) 
  • KI-automatisierte Textanalyse mit Association Clustering

Translate manually?

Would you like to develop a new product, test a design relaunch or add a line extension to your product portfolio to address all shopper needs? We support you with our highly developed methods, which are always at the cutting edge of research.

  • Idea Screening
  • Claim Test
  • iHut(in-home use-test)
  • CLT & CLT Wallpaper Test
  • Virtual shelf test with eye-tracking
  • E-store / e-commerce simulation for new product testing
  • Product & Price Optimization (Conjoint)
  • AI-automated text analysis with association clustering
Generate automatic translation?

2. Quick Facts

Select category(ies)
Select industry(ies)
Select language(s)

3. Media

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The image is too large. Please upload an image with maximum 2400 x 2400 pixels and 3 MB. You can find the recommended dimensions on the ? symbol.
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The image is too large. Please upload an image with maximum 2400 x 2400 pixels and 3 MB. You can find the recommended dimensions on the ? symbol.
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The image is too large. Please upload an image with maximum 2400 x 2400 pixels and 3 MB. You can find the recommended dimensions on the ? symbol.
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4. External Link

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